Hancock Center For Creative Arts Therapies - T.J.


Thank you for taking the time to explore the possibilities of music therapy through the Hancock Center! When you join me in music therapy, we’ll create experiences together from a resource-oriented framework, using the joy and power of music to leverage your unique strengths, attributes, and preferences in order to meet your individual goals. Music therapy uses evidence-based music interactions within a therapeutic relationship to address each client’s objectives in the areas of social-emotional needs, communication, cognition, movement and motor function, spirituality and other personal aims.


I am a board-certified music therapist (MT-BC) on the Wisconsin Music Therapy Registry, and I completed my clinical training working in hospice, eldercare, and with neurodivergent youth. I continue to work with these populations in addition to adult mental health. I have worked in community-based human service organizations in the Midwest for my entire career, and am completing my Master’s degree in music therapy from Augsburg University. I also hold a Master’s in Adult Education. I’ve been a performing musician and songwriter for decades in the Chicago-area and Madison, and I am delighted to be part of the Hancock Center team bringing creative arts therapies to our community. I look forward to learning about you and exploring how we might work together in music to achieve your goals!